Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Quickie vacation summary

Upgraded to first class on the plane, saw Barry Manilow, Air Supply, lions (MGM), white tiger cubs and dolphins (Mirage), a hooker by McDonalds, Red Rock Canyon (including 2 little rodent things, a lizard, and some dragon flies, but NO BURROS!), the backside (don't ask)of Hoover Dam, DID NOT get lost in Caesars Palace, DID get lost in NY/NY, huge Donny & Marie sign, and the usual pyramid, castle, gondolas, Eiffel Tower, big gold lions, big shiny buildings skyline changed once again with the addition of the new "City Center Project" and a circular rainbow with the shadow of our plane in it just before decending into the clouds to land in Portland!

1 comment:

Pinkmomma said...

Yea! I think you'll love having a blog for your random Air Supply, and non-Air Supply related thoughts - plus its so easy to add pictures! Sounds like your trip was fun. Pallas is so jealous ;)