Monday, January 19, 2009

Blast from the past

As unlikely as it seems to my mind, this summer I will have been out of high school for 30 years. EEEK! I have been reconnecting with some old friends these past few months and it's funny how little (and how much) things have changed. We've all had life altering experiences, yet we are basically the same people we were in 1979. It's also funny how the mind tends to weed out the bad memories keeping only the good ones in the forefront. I read an interesting term the other day..."friendemies", which is what you have become with those people from high school that you didn't really like then, but now they want to be your best friend. Then there are the ones who really were good friends back then, but somehow you drifted apart and are genuinely glad to reconnect with them now.
I'm tempted to go to the reunion, (if only to see how old and fat the basketball players have gotten) but perhaps the only ones there would be the cheerleaders who have NOT gotten old and fat like everyone else, and they would spend the entire evening telling me how much they have missed me.
Ironically, in grade school, i was good friends with one of those cheerleaders, but by the time high school came along, we didn't speak 2 words to each other those 3 years. I was "middle class" in high school, mostly due to my involvement with music/and or/drama, and I was content with that. I had wonderful friends and retain some great memories of those days. I'm not sure if I want to subject myself to those "friendemies". I'll consider...

1 comment:

Pinkmomma said...

You should totally go - but talk your friends into going first, strength in numbers!