Thursday, January 1, 2009

Russell Hitchcock album

Well, this has been an interesting week. Air Supply's Russell Hitchcock officially announced the upcoming release of his "Unreleased Solo Album"!! (I'm embarrassed to say I don't know exactly when that was originally guess is early 1990's following the release of his first self-titled solo album in 1988) Anyway, he says specifics are forthcoming, so we do not yet know if those 2nd album songs have been re-recorded or are the originals. Stay tuned to for details as he releases them. (and yes...I have heard these songs and they are quite enjoyable, though as none of us SHOULD have heard them....forget I said that.)
So...all the "Airheads" are quite happy about this bit of news, and this "Airhead" is smiling and saying to herself...."Never Say Never".

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