Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year and all that stuff

Ok...another year come and gone, and with the big winds and horizontal rain we had here today, we are off to a wild start. Last Saturday presented me with the opportunity to get my tickets for our March Air Supply concerts in Lincoln City. It was a very frustrating experience; one that I have never had in buying tickets and hope to never repeat. I begged with my supervisor so I could go to lunch a few minutes early to be home in time to get my tix. I was all ready....then put on hold (normal for this experience)...they hung up on me. I called back...was put on hold...they hung up on me again...I called a third time...said "NO... you CAN'T PUT ME ON HOLD AGAIN cause you hung up on me twice already. She apologized and said she would take my phone number to give the operaters and they would call me. (sheesh) I decided to go online and try my luck there, though I don't really like that option, as with this casino you are at the mercy of the computer for seat assignments.
I got some seats, which I was really not that happy with, then failed to complete my account set-up within the 5 minute time limit, so my seats were released. AAARRRRGH!!!!!
The people still had not called me back, so i tried online again, searching numerous times for better seat assignments. Finally decided I'd better cut my losses and take what I could get as I was rapidly running out of time to return to work. Got the darn things completed...still not too happy with the positioning of said seats, and was 5 minutes late getting back to work. I've gone to several concerts at this venue and never had such problems before. I guess I can attribute them to the wild popularity of Air Supply fans wanting seats and clogging all their systems, eh?

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